CORAZON DEL SOL, 10.14.20:

Life, The Greatest Show On Earth. Never Forget it.
Always Remember, The Only Difference Between A Crisis And An Adventure Is Your Reaction To It.
You Can’t Save Your Breath By Holding It.
Breath is Life and Love Propelles It
We Live In The Hearts We Leave Behind
As Long As you Remember, We Are In A Science Fiction Film Now, We Will Figure It Out
Oooooohhhhhhhh Yeeeeaaaahhhhh

Our Popi would make us repeat these sayings over and over, like the keys to a world that wouldn't make sense.
Future memories from distant pasts.
Rojelio Alcorcha Zamora, Born September 9, 1945, Walked May 8, 2010.
Singing A Yaqui song of transition. He passed soon after this video was taken
My Sister Aurora Del Sol reciting his words
Images of the Monarch Butterfly Migration in Michoacán, who’s numbers are down by more than half. Pretending we are not all connected is no longer an option. Please donate now to APIB or ISA to support indigenous groups in Brazil.
